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Pocket Informant v2.63 - 口袋个人信息专家

软件大小:9.39 MB 软件价格:¥68.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch, iOS 5.0 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2013-02-26 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:日程 记事 GTD 



❖ Location-based alerts for tasks!
❖ Today, Month, Day, Week, Column Week View, Agenda, Task, and Search views
❖ Swipe between Months, Days, and Weeks
❖ Easily jump to any date in Day and Month views
❖ Timebars to show your free/busy time at a glance or show mini-text on the month cells instead
❖ Icons for Events and Tasks
❖ Event Location Mapping
❖ Context Location Mapping with Location Notifications
❖ Calendar Filtering: Filter tasks and events by one or more calendars
❖ Templates for Events and Tasks
❖ Support for sub-tasks
❖ Tags and Tag Filtering
❖ TextExpander support in most text fields
❖ Expanded detail view to see events and tasks on any day
❖ Phone Links in Notes
❖ Tasks integrated with the Calendar Views
❖ Task Grouping and QuickSearch/Insert
❖ Full Search of Contacts, Tasks, and Calendar items
❖ Send Appointment Meeting Requests
❖ Getting-Things-Done® (GTD®) management or Franklin Covey ABC/1-99 Prioritization of tasks
❖ Pre-made filters to quickly find active, due, undated, overdue, and completed tasks
❖ Today View to show your current appointments, tasks, meeting attendees and alatms
❖ Starring (flagging) tasks
❖ Highly customizable views


版本 2.63 中的新功能

In version 2.63, we have made a number of improvements and fixes across various parts of the app. This release includes minor interface improvements, added ability for Smart Groups to reference iOS Reminder Lists, fixed an isolated issue with the password screen, and resolves some issues with Daylight Savings Time transitions in specific countries. Additionally we have addressed some rare issues that could occur when editing recurring iOS events, made a number of syncing improvements, and improved overall stability (including a specific stability issue when running on iOS 5). 





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我猜你还喜欢  后续更新:
  • 游客
    2010-09-25 17:54:19发表

    这个版本的 3GS,3.13 安装后点击退出

  • smallrayi
    2010-09-01 13:52:50发表

