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You’re The Chicken Mogul! v1.0.2 - 养鸡产业链

软件大小:85.43 MB 软件价格:¥6.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 3.2 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2012-04-10 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:经营 模拟 

一款模拟经营游戏,玩家将分别管理小鸡孵化场,养鸡场,炸鸡餐厅以及 HQ 总部四个场所。一方面可以控制升级和扩建产业链里的生产单位,扩大产量,或者变卖资产,也需要管理孵化场中的饲料供应孵化温度等等。员工也不是好伺侯的,招聘,开除,鼓舞士气等等一个都不能少。



•4 different real time screens for managing all aspects of your business : hatcheries and feed production plants, the grow-out house, the fried chicken restaurant, and the headquarters!
•Build and upgrade your production facilities; reclaim land to expand your operations; sell off facilities to liquidize your assets; it’s your call!
•Manage the supply of chicken until they're ready for "processing".
Temperature, feed supply, and cleanliness all factor into your management;
•Hire and fire staff, manage their stress levels, train them, boost morale, keep them motivated.
•Implement promotions depending on factors like weather, and develop new technology to improve all your facilities; budget for marketing activities, allocate time for R&D, prepare training and morale building courses for the staff.
•Boost efficiency and profits! Upgrade your facilities and buy special items like potions, speed incubators, growth hormones(!), and secretaries by spending EGGS (in-game currency). Eggs can be earned through playing the game, or bought for you convenience (though not used until you’ve reached the appropriate level in the game).
•Multiply your company's profits (or gamble them away!) at the casino on game days!
•Deal with strikes and construction issues; fend off law suits from consumer and health groups!
•Bonus levels and unlocked upon completion.


版本 1.0.2 中的新功能

- misc bugs fixed
- other little changes made






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  • 小白白
    2012-04-15 13:43:26发表

