一款 3D 风格的回合制战棋游戏,玩家可以在游戏中体验到横跨海陆空三个不同区域之间的激烈战斗。游戏中将会涉及到很多战场战略的安排、兵种相克、战场地形高低差及战斗单位生产等等内容。玩家需要认真的思考如何排兵布阵及进行各种战术运用,才能赢得最后的胜利。
Core Features:
▶ Loads of unlockable and upgradable units
▶ Portrait mode for easy play on the go
▶ Optimised for iPhone, great on iPad
▶ Full 3D terrain affects gameplay
▶ Hilarious graphics and sound effects
▶ High replayability
▶ Clearer displays with easier to use controls
▶ Portrait mode for easier use on a phone
▶ Faster mission starts and replayable objectives
▶ Splash damage
▶ Blowy uppy buildings
▶ Lots of minor playability tweaks
版本 1.4 中的新功能
Fixed orientation bugs
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