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Cubemen2 v1.25 - 方块人塔防 2

软件大小:59.4 MB 软件价格:¥12.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 5.0 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2014-09-02 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:塔防 TD 

一款策略塔防游戏,控制红蓝方块人进行大战。游戏最多支持 6 人同时对战,设有 100 个关卡 20 种模式,每种模式的战场布局都各不一样。其流畅的画面,3D 物理效果,相信玩家一定会喜欢。


Key Features:
■ Five outstanding game modes including CTF, Territory and Rescue!
■ Customisable unit skins... Play as Cowboys, Knights or even Luchadores!
■ Built in Level Editor to play and share your own levels
■ Customisable level themes... Choose from over 20 styles
■ No static towers. Move your Cubemen around the level and attack or defend at will
■ Campaign mode where you compete against others for a global ranking
■ Up to 6 player cross-platform multi-player carnage
■ Find new online levels to play with a single click
■ Nine specialised unit types including path blockers, mines and freeze lightning
■ Real 3D levels with Teleporters, Healing Stations and floating platforms
■ Online ranking for all game modes
■ Teams and individual multi-player games against Humans, AI or both!
■ Clean, rich and simplistic visuals that keep the focus on the strategy
■ Over 100 user levels to play already!


版本 1.25 中的新功能

■ Improved profile page when reaching max level
■ Improved trapping for network issues/errors

■ Fixed online ping times not being detected properly
■ Fixed a bug that could cause replaying an online game fail for some players
■ Fixed a bunch of cases where player names would hang over UI boundaries
■ Lots of little network play and UI fixes
■ Fixed top down camera movement being inverted
■ Increased zoom speed when in top down camera
■ Fixed a UI bug that would eventually cover the menu screen after playing a few games





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我猜你还喜欢  后续更新: v1.2.6, v1.3.0, v2.0.0
