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Commando Jack v1.1 - 指挥官杰克

软件大小:55.55 MB 软件价格:¥6.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 3.1.3 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2012-08-08 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:Chillingo TD 塔防 

Chillingo 为塔防游戏注入新元素,现在玩家能以第一视角操作防御炮塔。玩家将扮演来自地球最强壮、凶狠、冷酷的精英指挥官杰克,使用各种防御武器消灭来自外星的入侵者。游戏内置 5 处作战场地,拥有令人惊叹的画面效果和精心设计的故事情结,需要玩家开动脑筋设计武器选择、位置选择的方式。


Killer Features
• Seamlessly mixes tower defense with first-person-shooter gameplay. Totally unique.
• Stunning graphics, destroy the invaders in full 3D.
• Use well thought-out tactics as you place turrets, slow the enemy down, then take them out. 
• Five battle arenas that reconfigure to become more challenging as you get better!
• Three stars to collect on each level, go back and replay each level to get them all.
• Universal build; plays great on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. 


版本 1.1 中的新功能

A BRAND NEW ARENA, two powerful NEW WEAPONS, plus bags of ways to earn FREE IN-GAME CASH! 

NEW ARENA: ROME – Major Jack Garrett must save the people of Rome in his greatest battle to date. Set in the ruins of the Coliseum, the most impressive building of the Roman Empire, Major Garrett must defend his base from four different alien spawn points at once. This isn't going to be easy, but Rome wasn't built in a day and Jack will not let it be destroyed in a day either. 

NEW WEAPON: FIRE MINE – This powerful incendiary device can be placed in front of advancing aliens and will set them on fire for a short while as they walk over it. 

NEW WEAPON: THE AMALGAMATOR – This will combine four of the same type of turret into a super weapon with increased power far beyond the capabilities of the four individual turrets. 

• FREE IN-GAME CASH: Spread the word about Commando Jack and earn up to 12,000 In-Game Cash by logging into Facebook, Twitter or even dropping your mates an email

• BETTER GAMEPLAY: We’ve opitimised the heck out of the game to make it play even better. Improved AI, alien detection and some graphical changes might not mean much to you but just play it and feel the difference!

• FAIR’S FAIR! We’ve fiddled with the mechanics to answer the feedback we’ve had from players around the world. For example, now the Nuke and UAV replenish automatically instead of costing you credits! Plus randomized snipers, and rebalanced damage all make for a fairer game.

• LOOKS ARE EVERYTHING: Now Commando Jack looks better than ever before with new flame animations, better weapon and level select screens and a better ‘about us’ experience – go on, dare you to click it!






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我猜你还喜欢  后续更新: v1.1.1, v1.2.0, v2.0.0
