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Build-a-Lot 2: Town of the Year for iPad v1.1.1 - 地产大亨

软件大小:106.66 MB 软件价格:$2.99 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPad, iOS 3.2 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2011-01-18 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:经营 

地产大亨2之年度小镇,Glu Games公司出品的一款模拟经营类游戏,Build-a-Lot 的续作。虽然在画面上的改动并不是很大,但是游戏内容却丰富了不少:更加宽广的地图,全新的工业区、旅游景点和居住区;全新的别墅、农庄、平房、公园等。 音乐方面则保持了前作轻快爽朗的风格。游戏整体十分不错,喜欢模拟经营类的朋友千万别错过哦。


- Enhanced graphics and user interface optimized for the iPad
- New houses - villas, farmhouses and bungalows
- New special buildings - recycling centers, parks and workshops
- Flip houses for BIG profits.
- Increase the "Curb Appeal" of your properties by painting and landscaping.
- Achieve goals, generate income and cast your vote for "Town of the Year" in Campaign Mode or improve neighborhoods at your own pace in Casual Mode
- Expanded gameplay, more colorful graphics and improved UI make Town of the Year a no-brainer for fans of the original Build-a-lot. 
- Pile up even more profits by building all-new businesses like bookstores and cafés in your town! - Completing a variety of unique challenges throughout the game will boost your career earnings in your quest to become a real-estate mogul and vie for the prestigious honor of Town of the Year!


版本 1.1.1 中的新功能

Bug fixes and other improvements to game performance.







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