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Wispin HD v1.1.2 - 彩色精灵的故事

软件大小:19.00 MB 软件价格:$2.99 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPad, iOS 3.2 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2011-03-11 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:休闲 

游戏的主角是一只可以变换色彩的可爱的小精灵,玩家将要控制小精灵,利用自己在三种颜色属性之间的变化,来消灭同样颜色的敌人。而敌人也并不是在那 里呆呆的等着被消灭的,它们也会做出各种攻击。而且不同体型的敌人,也会有不同的特性。除了基本的碰撞可以消灭敌人外,玩家还可以使用其他的武器,例如炸 弹和弓箭之类的。


- Wispin HD features newly-expanded environments formatted for the iPad, and new iPad-specific control options!
- Stylized cartoon graphics and animations in beautiful High Definition!
- Two endless gameplay modes, Achievements to unlock, statistics tracking, and Game Center leaderboards!
- Wacky weapons (including bombs, arrows, and CHEESE), powerups, bonuses, and an escalating multiplier/combo system!
- Gameplay that starts slowly so all types of players can learn the ropes, but eventually progresses to be more chaotic, challenging, and super intense! (Even for advanced players)!
- Customizable game options including joystick and tilt controls! 
- Color Blind and left-handed control support!
- Your purchase helps support our Indie Development efforts and continued improvements to the game! 
- It's fun on a bun!


版本 1.1.2 中的新功能

- Small graphical layering issues with new iOS 4.3
- iPad optimizations added and other preparations for new iOS 4.3
- Glitch causing Bloops to not use all of their abilities (such as bomb-spitting and color changing) has been fixed







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