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Sticky v1.02 - 粘粘球

软件大小:34.19 MB 软件价格:$0.99 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch, iOS 3.0 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2011-03-03 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:休闲 

随着地球上化石能源的不断减少,终将耗尽,Bunsen 博士在开发一种新的不会枯竭的能源,试验中不小心配错试剂,本游戏的主角,一个橘黄色的粘粘球诞生了。玩家需要控制粘粘球通过弹射,赶在黑色的异类才穿越管道之前杀光它们。


版本 1.02 中的新功能

Powerups changes:
- Ice powerup has been made heavier, so he will not bounce away as far
- Bounce powerup will now auto-target nearby enemies when bouncing
- Powerups will now combo for more points

The Score System has been completely redone:
- Time has been replaced with a score value, as is present in Survival modes.
- Individual levels now each have a highscore, connected to a crystal leaderboard
- Players are rewarded a bronze/silver/gold star based on a target score
- Score screen now clearly indicates a required score for the next star
- Score rewards have been tweaked to encourage combos and powerup usage for massive points
- Flawless victories (no escaped toxins) will now double the player's score

User Interface:
- Below the score, an indicator will show the amount of enemies still to come
- When a toxin escapes, the word "escaped" will be displayed

- Level pacing has been tweaked, making many levels shorter.
- First survival level has been unlocked, and contains all enemy types right from the start, so you can hop right in!
 - Remaining survivals will unlock throughout the first 3 campaigns, or when finishing the boss
- Toxiary has been fully unlocked in line with the survival update
- The first level of every campaign has been unlocked, so players can skip to a future campaign
- Powerup tutorials and Enemy introductions will be shown only once








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  • 游客
    2011-02-11 21:55:37发表

