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Snuggle Truck HD v1.9.4 - 小熊卡车 完整版

软件大小:29.00 MB 软件价格:免费 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPad, iOS 4.3 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2013-10-17 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:休闲 物理 

一款物理类休闲游戏,玩家需要根据货物来选择行动方式,在最短的时间内开车到达动物园,否则车上的濒临绝种的动物就真的灭绝了。游戏画面可爱,到处都是精美的手绘背景,共包含 40 个不同关卡,各种成就,多种货物。





- Optimized for the iPad with crisp hi-res graphics! 
- Over 40 levels packed with physics gameplay and challenging terrain and obstacles. 
- The fabulous Level Portal gives every player access to unlimited new content thanks to community-created levels.
- Beautifully hand-painted backgrounds and high resolution graphics crafted by notorious artist of 'Curse of Monkey Island' fame.
- Built-in Level Editor allows you to showcase your creative side. Make crazy-fun levels and share them with others!
- Fuzzy spawners, rocket boosters, backflip achievements, cargo covers, roadkill, moose, teeter-totters, TNT, and more! Snuggle Truck has enough variety to keep your game experience fresh, play after play. 
- Full Game Center integration with 25 leaderboard levels and a slew of achievements. Challenge your friends to beat your best times and watch them pale in comparison to your driving prowess.
- Unique medal system rewards multiple gameplay styles. Go for the 'Ark' Award by saving every passenger. Also, try to snag the 'Speed Run Award' which can be obtained by gunning it and beating the fastest run time. 
- Built-in wireless remote: Grab the PC/Mac version of Snuggle Truck and use the iOS version as a remote control. Hang back on the couch and play wirelessly thanks to Brass Monkey technology.


版本 1.9.4 中的新功能

Added iOS 7 support, fixed a nasty crash on older devices.






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我猜你还喜欢  后续更新: v1.9.5, v1.10.0, v2.0.0
  • 游客
    2011-11-14 17:03:15发表

    麻烦管理员解答一下,“后续更新: v1.6.1, v1.7.0, v2.0.0” 是什么意思?是管理员自己的预测,还是开发商公布的? 管理员回复: 预测的 :)
