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Cosmic Cab v1.1 - 宇宙魔力赛车

软件大小:54.68 MB 软件价格:¥6.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 3.1.3 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2012-02-03 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:赛车 

一款以宇宙各个星系为背景的 3D 赛车游戏,玩家需要用惊人的魔力来控制赛车,通过倾斜手机来进行控制,躲避障碍物,使用助推器加快速度,甚至可以跳跃,一路上尽可能多地收集物品,第一时间到达目的地即可。


Cosmic features:
- Tilt to navigate in the twisting cosmic tubes!
- Jump gaps to take shortcuts by tapping!
- Drive through boosters for hyperspeed!
- Use ramps for insane mega jumps!
- Get huge tips for flawless driving!
- Experience beautiful high quality intergalactic 3D graphics!
- Funny characters with humorous dialogue!
- 25 fast-paced levels in 5 different sectors!
- Customise your cab as you unlock new skins!
- Battle friends and foes on who’s the best driver!


版本 1.1 中的新功能

- Adjusted tilt controls based on feedback and added sensitivity slider.
- Added touch controls option
- Adjusted all levels and fixed all the nearly impossible challenges.
- Added Open Feint and Game Center support. Leaderboard and achievements.
- Optimized size with approximately 70%. It's not below 20mb, but it should fit on most phones.
- Reorganized the menu for usability reasons.
- Added level specific highscores in level selection menu.
- A bunch of minor fixes.






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我猜你还喜欢  后续更新: v1.1.1, v1.2.0, v2.0.0
