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Don't Run With a Plasma Sword v1.2.5 - 奔跑战士

软件大小:77.62 MB 软件价格:¥12.00 购买正版  立即免费下载 兼容平台:iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad, iOS 3.1 以上 软件语言:英文软件 软件等级:★★★★☆ 发布时间:2012-09-18 HD 热门指数:载入中... 所属标签:动作 跑酷 横版过关 

一款跑酷结合横版动作过关的游戏,游戏的主角快速奔跑于不同的场景,在躲避障碍的同时攻击怪物,甚至还要战胜可怕的 BOSS。游戏提供了两种模式:故事模式是以逐关解锁的关卡形式进行的,有四大场景主题分别为:城市、工厂、航母与外星球,总计 24 个常规关卡及 4 个 BOSS 关;无尽模式提供了四个主题场景。


✔ Universal App
✔ Retina display
✔ 4 environments: City, Factory, Mother ship, Alien Planet
✔ 2 Game Modes:
☛ Story mode with fixed game progression, save points and boss fights
☛ Endless mode with 4 levels of difficuly, random map generation and objectives to accomplish
✔ Did we say it? Boss fights!
✔ Breathtaking action! Hundreds of small hand crafted map sections put together dynamically to make sure to bring out a maximum of diversity and generate a controlled difficulty progression.
✔ A unique 3 buttons contextual controls scheme: jump, slide, slash which becomes double jump, dive and dash in the air
✔ Several types of monster with their own gameplay, traps to avoid, power-ups and rewards to collect
✔ Upgrades! Collect xp in game to level up your avatar on skills and avatar customization
✔ Openfeint and Game Center leaderboard and achievements
✔ Comic storyboards
✔ Original sountrack and sound effects
✔ 2 supported languages, English and French
✔ Updates and support? Of course.


版本 1.2.5 中的新功能

- Added a whole new level (both story and endless): Tandoori Moon
- Revamped the graphics of the level 1 and added much more visual diversity
- Added a 3-stars rating system for the story sections (find the hidden atomic gem and don't get hurt in order to get 3 stars)
- Introduced a monsters slicing mechanic when we slash them
- Added revive potions to ease out the progression difficulty
- Added Facebook connect functionalities (compare High scores with FB friends, post achievements, etc)
- Tweaked the tutorial and its access point
- Added new helmet costumes and sword colors
- Added new power-up upgrades
- Performed various bug fixes, tweaks and additions






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我猜你还喜欢  后续更新: v1.2.6, v1.3.0, v2.0.0
