《剑桥高阶英语学习词典》为享誉全球的《剑桥国际英语词典》(Cambridge International Dictionary of English)的全新升级版本。它以剑桥国际英语语料库(CIC)中逾 7 亿词条为蓝本,并参考了剑桥英语学习者语料库(CLC)中剑桥测试系统的原始语料精心编纂而成,是中、高级英语学习者必备的权威英语工具书。
Over 170,000 words, phrases and examples
* NEW! You will find newly added Illustrations and photos to illustrate the word definitions.
* NEW! Common grammar and style and usage labels included
* NEW! Examples included in the word definitions show you how to use words in the most natural and fluent way.
* All the important new words that have come into the language (e.g. dirty bomb, lairy, 9/11, clickable)
* Only words from a defining vocabulary used to help make definitions easy to understand
* Over 90,000 examples, mainly full sentences, show you how English is used in context and help you write natural English.
* 25,000 collocations show the way words work together in English
* Automatic recognition of inflected forms
版本 5.0.14 中的新功能
* Colorful and feature-rich user interface with faster and easier word access
* Customizable two-pane user interface (for iPad)
* Includes exciting new word games like Hangman, Word Scramble, Flashcards and Anagrams to facilitate the learning process